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2% of your dog's total body weight if your dog is fat.
2.5% - 3% to maintain present weight.
Feed more % to fatten a skinny dog.
Puppies may require up to 10% of body weight.

This is only a place to start, adjust everything up or down, depending on your dog's condition. A good barometer is your dog, if he/she acts hungry, add 1/2 pound.


                                     MEASURE EQUIVALENTS

CUPS                 Fluid OZ            TBSP                TSP              Milliliter

1 C                     8 oz              16 Tbsp            48 tsp             237 ml

3/4 C                  6 oz              12 Tbsp            36 tsp             177 ml

2/3 C                  5 oz              11 Tbsp             32 tsp            158 ml

1/2 C                  4 oz               8 Tbsp             24 tsp            118 ml

1/3 C                  3 oz               5 Tbsp             16 tsp              79 ml

1/4 C                  2 oz               4 Tbsp             12 tsp              59 ml

1/8 C                  1 oz                2 Tbsp              6 tsp              30 ml

1/16 C                 ½ oz                1 Tbsp              3 tsp              15 ml

"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion."

— Unknown

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