CBD Success Stories
"Our beagle Buddy was diagnosed with lymphoma almost 3 months ago. We could barely pick him up due to how much pain he was in, and getting up and down the stairs became extremely difficult - my husband eventually started taking him in a laundry basket. The vet put him on a series of meds that didn't seem to be helping Buddy, at all. We were desperate trying to figure out what we could do, when I thought of giving him CBD products that I had heard could possibly help him with the pain. I ordered some from Raincoast Wellness Boutique and got a 30 ml bottle within a couple of days, containing 250 mg of CBD.
We started giving Buddy a few drops a day in his food, and shortly after that, he started running around the yard, and acting like his usual self, again! We also started feeding him raw food and have taken him completely off his prescription meds. So, even though we don't know how long our Buddy has, we're happy to report that his quality of life seems to have improved dramatically since being on the CBD. We highly recommend this course of treatment for anyone who's dog is suffering from debilitating illness."
Pam - Duncan, BC
"Just wanted to update you on Skippy. I recently adopted him and at 13 he's in pretty good health other than suffering from seizures a few times a month. They were moderate, but lasted up to 20 minutes sometimes and it just broke my heart to see him going through that. I started him on your cbd dog treats about a month and a half ago and in all that time he's only had one episode and it was so mild in comparison to before. I am so happy and he loves the treats! Thank you so much!"
Sinead Vincent - Duncan, BC
"I have been buying the CBD dog treats from Apothecary since the beginning of last summer. It is the only product that I have used with my buddy that provides him with relief from his joint pain. With them he is able to run and play like a young dog should, seeing him walking and running around, and not carrying his leg is bloody amazing! Thank you so much for creating this product to help out our four legged friends."
Sean - Nanaimo, BC
“My husband and I have 3 dogs. One of them is a diabetic and unfortunately with that means he will get old faster. He is a chihuahuas mix, only 9 years old ,and with the cold weather I was noticing him limping with his back legs. He has had a bad left leg since birth. I had a choice of taking him to the vet but I doubt they would tell me anything other than what I was suspecting, just arthritis brought on from the diabetes. We happen to be lucky and go to the same dog park as the Apothecary gang and I decided to give their treats a try. I give him a treat twice a day, sometimes three times a day, and we could see a difference in a matter days. He could barely put weight on his back left foot and with in 3 days he was walking almost normal. Very pleased with the treats and he loves them.”
Violeta - Coquitlam, BC
"I have put 5 other people onto your treats in the last month and same results for them. Seeing the miraculous results first hand, I have to share. When I was on my way to Edmonton to do the cats/kittens rescue, Charlie Murphy got extremely sick. On route to Kamloops, I was on the phone to my work repeatedly, getting blood work results, x-ray results and ultrasound reports. I honestly thought I'd have to fly back from Kamloops because I was going to lose him."
"The fat content in his blood from his liver was higher than the tech had ever seen. It was determined that it was caused by the steroids he needs for his allergies. Also a nerve or muscle was out in his back.
When I arrived home the following evening he looked pathetic with a fentanyl patch on, not eating, barely walking. He was on 3 different drugs, an anti nausea and anti inflammatory, along with the patch. Also there was the worry of his next allergy flare up (his ears swell shut) and not being able to use steroids to settle his immune system. Looking at my little man I thought this is the turning point, you'll never be fully ok again (I see this point in dogs all the time at the clinic). His quality of life was not wonderful.
In desperation, I tried something I have heard some clients rave about. It's been a month of him on it. IT'S a MIRACLE! Not only is Charlie Murphy behaving like he did when he was 1 (running, jumping, playing, bringing sticks home, grabbing his leash as he gets close to home) his ears have remained beautiful for longer than they have in the last 5 years. Anyone that knows CM will tell you what a miracle that is in itself! His digestive system is better than ever - He's happier and healthier than he's ever been!!! I can't believe the results and he's not on any of the other drugs. One thing, one solution to all of his problems - CBD. Two of these treats a day and my dog's quality of life is 100% better. Tonight after walking for an hour, he decided to run the last 15 minutes home...... Miracle."
Sarah D, Vet Assistant - Victoria, BC
I am the proud dog-mom to a 13 year old, 85 pound, Rottweiler/Pit Bull cross rescue named Roxie. Roxie has been having problems with her backend (hips and one knee) for about 2 years now, and when I first brought her to the vet she was prescribed Metacam for pain and inflammation; being that I’m really into a more natural lifestyle and Roxie eats nothing but raw food, and natural treats I wasn’t thrilled to be putting her on any medication that could have adverse effects on her internal organs. After a lot of research I found a natural painkiller/muscle relaxant for her that she was on for about a year, which is when I found Apawthecary Pets…"
It has been about three weeks since Roxie has been taking the CBD Tincture and Treats, in those three weeks I have given her the natural pain killer/muscle relaxant twice, and that was during the first week. Roxie’s pain has remained fairly lateral, in that she doesn’t seem to be in any pain or uncomfortable – and this of course is WITHOUT the painkiller - but she is so much more alert and playful now. Last weekend, for the first time in years she actually ran, like a real run, to me when I got home. She plays with her toys everyday now, throwing them in the air and chasing after them and she gets up in the morning ready for the day before I come to get her up, which hasn’t happened in many years. I keep joking that my little lazy bear has “ants in her pants”, because she has become so much more active.
Apawthecary Pets products have given my girl new lease on life, she seems to have gone backwards in age by a few years, you would never know she is 13 to see her; I actually had someone recently think that she was only about 7 or 8 years old!! I mean, how great is that?!"
Tanya H. - Langley, BC